Автор Тема: F.A.Q.: BootBoys  (Прочитано 10486 раз)

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F.A.Q.: BootBoys
« : Май 06, 2006, 10:06:55 pm »

Цитата: Итальянец 2006-05-06,18:05:55
может я задаю глупые вопросы но...
bootboys и skinheds.
Давно я как-то прочел книжку такую Spirit of 69. Там BootBoys были показаны как своего рода ветвь скин культры, а что этих BootBoys отличает от Skinheads?

Цитата: /Serg/ 2006-05-06,18:05:32
Вот это про них:
  • 4-Skins - Chaos
  • The Oppressed - Joe Hawkins
  • Slaughter and the Dogs - Where Have All The Bootboys Gone
Ну и "Заводной Апельсин" еще...

Цитата: Да я буй знает кто 2006-05-06,18:05:22
Насколько понял я, bootboys - это скины для которых самым главным был футбол и в особенности, околофутбольное насилие.

Цитата: /Serg/ 2006-05-06,18:05:27
Wearing boots and short hair cuts.
We will kick you in the gut.
But no luck they've all grown up.
They drink tea from a cup.

Some get married and settle down.
Others leave for a foreign town.
Fighting gangs every night.
We use sticks to hit 'em in the Kite.

   Where have all the boot boys gone ?
   Hammy, Jacko, Boots and John ?
   Where have all the boot boys gone ?
   It looks like I'm the only one -
   The one !

Now it's been five years or more.
I'm a skin'ead don't know what for.
I don't know what I am.
I don't see or give a damn.

We get released on 50 quid bail.
But I know I'll end up in jail.
I was a leader I was so proud.
I hung with a gang, what a crowd.

   Where have all the boot boys gone ?
   Hammy, Jacko, Boots and John ?
   Where have all the boot boys gone ?
   It looks like I'm the only one -
   The one !

Friday came we go to a dance hall.
Battering stuff we have a ball.
We don't know what we'eve done.
We go see United 'coz we'ere having fun.

I must stop this M.O.D.
I must try, try to be me.
I must listen. I must try.
I must move. Move or die !

   Where have all the boot boys gone ?
   Hammy, Jacko, Boots and John ?
   Where have all the boot boys gone ?
   It looks like I'm the only one -
   The one !

See him walking down the street
Doctor Marten's on his feet
Levi jeans Ben Sherman shirt
Fuck with him and you'll get hurt

   He's a skinhead, he don't care
   Marten boots and short cropped hair
   He's a skinhead, he don't care about you

Walking down on the Brighton pier
Long haired hippies filled with fear
Crunch of bone as the boots goes in
Joe's so proud to be a skin

   He's a skinhead, he don't care
   Marten boots and short cropped hair
   He's a skinhead, he don't care about you

Prison couldn't change his ways
Skinhead's back he's here to stay
So if you think you got the suss
Be a skinhead, be like us!

   He's a skinhead, he don't care
   Marten boots and short cropped hair
   He's a skinhead, he don't care about you

   He's the king, king of the skins
   What's his name, Joe Hawkins