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Публикации: Garry Bushel
« : Ноябрь 23, 2006, 09:06:56 pm »
Цитата: Tim 2006-11-23,18:11:56
Nu vot sdelal intervjus Garry Bushelom. len perevodit... spets i ntervju dlja togo foruma :)  a da mozet ne tak tsego skazal v intervju, to iz venite, ved ya vsjo ponasliskam...korotse tsitaite sami!

They call you the godfather of oi and i´m wondering when you first time saw or heard the Oi sound?
OK, the band that inspired me to give the name Oi to what I had previously called New Punk or Real Punk were the Cockney >Rejects because Jeff  would always say 'Oi' at the start of their songs rather than '1-2-3-4' or whatever. However, Oi is defined and it defines itself, as working class punk and from that point of view the roots of Oi were in Menace, Cock Sparrer, Slaughter etc. Bands like the Rejects and the Upstarts were the reality of punk mythology, hence Real Punk. I compiled Oi! The Album to give them a platform, and included Cock Sparrer and Slaughter to recognise their influence .

Well, about real punk rock thing... It´s strange how people use punk sound, isn´t it? From politics to the idiots , who are into money and stuff, but how do you see it? The "real" punk rock... Working class or Cambridge university student? Skinhead or upper class wanks?

Obviously real punk is working class rebel rock. I wouldn't say you had to be a skinhead to appreciate it or that every Oxbridge graduate is an insufferable snob. But oi came from the working class and no-one from a background of wealth and privilege could really relate to it.
I´m thinking exactly the same thing, you know... But what about yourself, are you into Oi music? What you think about todays Oi scene in general?
Yes, I like a lot of today's Oi and Oi-influenced bands. The scene is not as vibrant in the UK as it was, but there are some genuinely exciting bands around (Deadline, Beerzone, Resistance 77 etc). I want to see Argy-Bargy live.I've just been up in Newcastle where Mickey Geggus is producing the new oi album; and the tracks I heard were terrific. It's the best stuff the East  End Badoes have ever recorded. Mick's had the 4-Skins up recording for the first time in 20-odd years too, which makes it more of an event. Of the US bands, I love Rancid, Lars & The Bastards, NOFX, the Dropkick Murphys, Bouncing Souls, The Casualties and of course Maninblack. I also like what I've heard of Discipline from Holland. The new Rejects album still has their early clout and at least two of the songs 'Cockney Reject' and 'Fists Of Fury' are as good as anything they've ever recorded. I still sing with the Gonads, and we've just released our third studio album Old Boots No Panties which still proudly has Oi roots without any tunnel vision. Oi was never a uniform sound, it was always a shared attitude.

I saw Argy Bargy twice and I have to say it was the best Oi live act what I have seen!!! They are good!! After the latest gig of Argy Bargy I had musical  "orgasm" if I may say so... My opinion about dutch lads is not that big, saw them live and my opinion did not change! Missed the R77 gig, since I´m a young parent now... So I have to stay home, you know... Menace is about to come, but guess who is gonna stay home again...  It´s new info for me that you are involved with The Gonads. I thought you are more writer or something like that. How did you get involved with Gonads?

The Gonads are my band. I've been the singer with the Gonads since 1977.We reformed the band in 1994 www.myspace.com/thegonads.I also managed the Cockney Rejects in 1979 and got them their deal with EMI. I compiled the first four Oi albums, I managed the Blood and got the 4-Skins their first recording deal.
Alrighty, I think I´m at your mate list on myspace ( myspace.com/oibootboy). But what was the reason for The Gonads to reform? How often you have live performence? And what about the travelling abroad, how often you guys go outside the UK? And what you want for the show?

I put a line-up of the Gonads back together in 1990/91 but I reformed the band properly in 94 with Clyde to write a few songs (Lottery Song, Mystic Meg etc). We decided to get serious because we enjoyed writing together again. We released the single Oi Nutter/England's Glory and played a couple of low-key gigs. In early 1998 we toured the USA and recorded Back & Barking, our first studio album. We've played a few gigs since (in Southampton, Kent, Blackpool and Leeds) and recorded two more albums. We do it because we enjoy it. We aren't out to make a lot of money. We record because we enjoy it and we play gigs that appeal to us. We'll probably play a mini-tour here in November and we're talking to a promoter in Seattle about US dates next year. We would play abroad anywhere if the gig was properly promoted. Clyde handles the financial side of live shows.
I like it very much when elder lads, just like yourself, still keep playing Oi! music... It´s great, man! You know, they call it teenage rebelling, but what makes you still keep going, after all these years?
Well if I could find anything better I'd play that instead...Seriously, we love Oi. We're Oi till we die!

Same here! Oi music it´s brilliant for it´s simple sound and straight to the point lyrics and I like it very much... I´m getting good kick out of it!! But what do you think about working class pride? Can you feel it?
Coming from where we come from, you never lose it

It´s strange how punk rock did go commercial one day, but what you think, back in the 80`s when Oi was more stronger in U.K, was it, in it´s on way commercial at some level?
I don't really understand the question. I'm glad punk records sold in huge numbers because it radicalised the music industry and took power away from the suits. I'd much rather see Green Day on TV than a plastic boy band .

Ok, but Green day is plastic boy band, got nothing to do with punk rock,  they are in showbis... It´s same when hip hop came out, there were people like Erik B & Rakim, who had a message, but today it´s full of shitheads like Eminem or 50 cent... Do you get what I mean? What I wanted to ask was, in your opinion, when Oi was more popular, was it like fashion to be a skinhead? Was it to be it? Like today to be a goth for a start... Do you get what i mean?
I know what you mean, although I like the Green Day album and would rather see them on TV than a karaoke boy band like Westlife. At least they write their own songs and have something to say. They aren't a punk band any more, they're a stadium rock band, but punk doesn't have to have a message. The Damned never did, nor did the Ramones or the Lurkers... It was fashionable to be a skinhead in England in 1968/69. The fashion revived in the late seventies. The first band skinheads followed then was Sham 69. The Oi bands weren't specifically skinhead bands. Their following was working class: skins, punks, terrace geezers. The big fashion in 1979/80 was Mod and in '80/'81 2-Tone Rude Boys. I don't think it was ever fashionable to be Oi

Well yeah, every generation has someone to follow, music, clothing and youth has always  done that... But when You were teenage in what kinda "group" did you belong to? Or did You at all?

 I loved skinhead reggae when I was 13 and 14, I was a suedehead when I was 15, then I was in to glam (Slade etc); I was a punk at 20/21 and then I was dressing like all the other terrace herberts
Actually when i got involved with punk/skinhead scene, I was into reggae/dub like big time and I still am at some point...But from where i´m coming from(Estonia) skinhead =you know who... And when i went to the reggae/dub events people were like whatta fuck is he doing down here... ha ha ha. Into skinhead outlook big time...Can not imagine my life with out it...
Well, you know what kinda scene was or is Britain , but what do you know about oi/punk scene in Russia? Or what do you think/know about russian skinhead scene?
Yeah, that's a shame. So much of skinhead style came out of Rude Boy culture it seems crazy that it is now wrongly associated with neo-Nazis. To be honest I don't know much about the skinhead scene in Russia. How big is it? Who are the best bands?
Well, most of them you know who...But, peoples turn they heads more and more...there are some "nonpolitical" fanzines out there and to be honest, some of the zines take very anti nazi position almost with same blindness as nazis...in Russia the are plenty ska bands. The most famous are: www.necondition.narod.ru, www.RudeFish.Narod.Ru, www.male-factors.ru.... There are some ska portals:lyric.uuxfer.net, www.ska.ru, tipa-ska.narod.ru... Well, punk was always strong down there...plenty bands, loads of events, zines, distros... More and more people started to play Oi music without any political orientation, wich is always good! Most of them are in the basement but they are there, you know... Skins start to make they own crews and in each city there are small group of skinheads who do not give a crap about politics... There are traditional skinheads, Oi or just working class kids...there are serious clashes between left and right...there is one band from Belarus what i want to point out. It´s called Mister X. They are playing mixture of Oi and streetpunk. Singer runs a distro and i think it´s only  Oi/punk/ska distro in ex Soviet empire http://ss-grodno-crew.com/rur/index.html He is also running some zines and promoting gigs down there! I rise me glass in front of him for what he is doing! There is one and only Oi portal www.oioioi.ru and they have small English version also. There is Oi forum, I´m using it myself since my russian is fluent ( www.tradskin.ru) and they would love to see Cockney rejects on Red square, wanna help them out? :) Also i have plans to publish this interview on that forum, if you don´t mind... And maybe you wanna say something to them, maybe some short inspirational speech :)....
The Rejects would play Russia, Tim; but it would have to be through an established promoter.  My message to Russian skinheads would be: You are the inheritors of a great British youth cult. The skinhead look was born in South London nearly forty years ago. Real skinheads were tough, working class, proud of their roots and proud of their country. You should be proud of your class and your great country too, but don't be exploited by politicians of the left or the right. Real skinheads pride themselves on cleanliness and looking smart. Real skinheads have no time for hippies, scruffs, glue-sniffers or lowlifes.  I hope to hear Russian Oi and ska one day and see your bands. I hope it's as good as the skinhead music that has gone before: Jamaican ska, US soul, punk, 2-Tone, Oi, Streetpunk and ska-punk. Stay strong. Cheers and beers.  Garry Bushell aka Gal Gonad

I´ll put message on about Rejects and let´s see what is going to happen... Your message is very strong and you said what I think about skinhead cult. It´s a shame that politics is in the movement... Can not understand why. Who needs that crap? What kind of goal or aim they have? What they want? Me to vote?... But I´m about to finnish this interview and I want to thank You for giving me the opportunity to speak with someone who has done a lot for Oi scene! And maybe You want to say something to the oisters around the globe, who might read it?

Thanks Tim. The important thing to say about Oi is don't live in the past. We had great bands and great times 25 years ago, but Oi isn't about nostalgia. It's about you and me, and what we do next. It doesn't matter whether or not you were in England in 1980 or in the USA ten years later. What's important it that you are here now, standing up for who you are, standing up for Oi. The spirit of all the old skins, punks and herberts lives on in you. It's up to you to keep the flame alive because in you, Oi music lives. Never surrender.


Цитата: 509 2006-11-27,21:11:20
Отличная вьюха,респект тебе,Tim! :)  

Цитата: I'm a Youth 2007-03-31,10:03:08
Thanks Tim. The important thing to say about Oi is don't live in the past. We had great bands and great times 25 years ago, but Oi isn't about nostalgia. It's about you and me, and what we do next. It doesn't matter whether or not you were in England in 1980 or in the USA ten years later. What's important it that you are here now, standing up for who you are, standing up for Oi. The spirit of all the old skins, punks and herberts lives on in you. It's up to you to keep the flame alive because in you, Oi music lives. Never surrender.

ахуительно сказал! Респект и Уважуха тебе, Гарри Бушел!  :lol:

Цитата: Kusto 2007-04-01,12:04:43
хуяссе, пиздатое интервью! очень порадоволо

Цитата: Tim 2007-04-01,13:04:21
spasib spasib , rad staratsa...