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The Magic 8-Ball, manufactured by Tyco, is a toy used for fortune-telling. It is a hollow, plastic sphere resembling an oversized, black and white 8-ball. The fortunes are given by a white plastic die in the shape of an icosahedron, floating in a blue liquid, with answers to yes-no questions in raised letters on its 20 triangular faces. There is a transparent window on the bottom of the 8-ball, and when the ball is held so that the window faces up, the die floats to the top randomly exposing one of its faces in the window. As the raised white letters press against the window, they drive the dark blue liquid to the sides, away from the raised letters, so that the letters appear as white print on a still-dark-blue background (where a thin layer of fluid remains between the raised letters).To use the ball, hold it with the window down. Ask a yes-no question, then turn the ball so that the window faces up. In the window, one face of the die will be visible, revealing the response to your question. Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to shake or jostle the ball before turning it, which can consequently create air bubbles that often visually distort the "answer".Ten of the possible answers are variations of "yes", five are ambiguous, and five are variations of "no".The 20 standard answers on a Magic 8-Ball are: * Signs point to yes. * Yes. * Reply hazy, try again. * Without a doubt. * My sources say no. * As I see it, yes. * You may rely on it. * Concentrate and ask again. * Outlook not so good. * It is decidedly so. * Better not tell you now. * Very doubtful. * Yes - definitely. * It is certain. * Cannot predict now. * Most likely. * Ask again later. * My reply is no. * Outlook good. * Don't count on it.Variations on the standard Magic Eight Ball have appeared throughout the years including the "Affirmation Ball"; this is a yellow ball with a smiley face on it that gives twenty randomly-chosen affirmations to the user such as "You look marvelous." or "Your breath is so minty." [1]
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